Looking for trusted Atlanta, GA SOC 3 SysTrust & WebTrust compliance auditors – then call Christopher G. Nickell, CPA, at 404-483-8485 to discuss SOC 3 reporting auditing and reporting methodologies and our competitive, fixed fees. Along with providing SOC 1 and SOC 2 services, NDB’s SOC 3 reporting also includes developing various policies, procedures and other supporting documentation required. Hey, we’re auditors, first and foremost, but NDB also provides valuable supporting services for assisting with SOC 3 compliance – documented operational and information security policies being some of the most important. NDB also offers SOC 3 Readiness Assessments for helping service organizations effectively plan and scope the actual engagement. Nothing’s worse than starting down the wrong track for SOC 3 compliance - and it’s the biggest reason why sometimes a Readiness Assessment is a good idea. Learn more about NDB's data center expertise and the complimentary SOC 2 Policy Packets, along with our complimentary PCI DSS Policy Packets and also SOC 1 Policy Packets we provide to our clients for each enagement. It truly makes a difference for each audit!
Atlanta, GA SOC 3 SysTrust & WebTrust Certification and Compliance | Fixed Fee Pricing
When the AICPA launched their new Service Organization Control (SOC) reports, which includes SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 reporting, the SOC 1 SSAE 16 standard garnered the most attention, due in large part to it replacing the aging SAS 70 auditing standard. SOC 2 and SOC 3 were initially pushed to the “back of the line”, but much has changed, as both SOC 2 and SOC 3 have become viable reporting options, especially for many of today’s technology oriented service organizations. In fact, SOC 3 is a great reporting tool for data centers, Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, managed services organizations, and the scores of other I.T. entities. With SOC 3 compliance also comes the challenge of developing many of the documented operational and information security documents discussed earlier. Please note that NDB has developed customized policy and procedure templates for greatly assisting with SOC 2 and SOC 3 compliance - you can have us develop them for you, or you can simply fill them out yourself and customize them. The important point to note is that these documents are a large part of SOC 2 and SOC 3 compliance, and we have them.
Contact Christopher G. Nickell, CPA, today at 404-483-8485, to learn more about NDB's SOC services, particularly that of SOC 3 SysTrust and WebTrust certification. You can also email Chris at
Author: Charles Denyer