Looking for Atlanta, Georgia (GA) Software as a Service (SaaS) certification and compliance auditors for SOC 3 certification in accordance with the SysTrust & Webtrust Trust Services Principles (TSP)? Then call NDB today at 404-483-8485 and speak with Christopher G. Nickell, CPA regarding your SOC 3 needs. SaaS organizations are growing rapidly in today’s ever-evolving and changing business environment, with many of them needing a laundry list of compliance requirements, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GLBA, SOC 1 SSAE 16, SOC 2, and also SOC 3 compliance. This requires finding a firm with years of experience working with all major regulatory mandates - such as those just mentioned – and that very firm is NDB, your Atlanta, Georgia (GA) Software as a Service (SaaS) certification and compliance auditors. Learn more about NDB's complimentary SOC 2 Policy Packets, and also our SOC 1 Policy Packets we provide to our clients for each enagement. It truly makes a difference for each audit!
Atlanta, Georgia (GA) SaaS SOC 3 Auditors | Fixed Fees | Call 404-483-8485
It’s also fundamentally important to note that SOC 3 certification in accordance with the SysTrust & WebTrust principles requires a large number of documented operational and information security policies and procedures to be in place. This can be a challenging and time-consuming process indeed, one that often requires extensive resources, but the Atlanta, Georgia (GA) Software as a Service (SaaS) certification and compliance auditors at NDB have all the templates an organization would ever need. That’s right, as regulatory compliance professionals, we’ve spent years researching, developing, and refining our very own set of operational and information security documents, and they’re now available to SaaS clients seeking SOC 3 certification.
SOC 3 Compliance Audit Experts | Fixed Fees | Call 404-483-8485 to Learn More
SOC 3 has not received the lion’s share of attention like SOC 1, which utilizes the SSAE 16 reporting standard, but that will more than likely change as more and more technology organizations see the value of the SysTrust & WebTrust Trust Service Principles (TSP). Additionally, the SOC 2 framework, which also utilizes the TSP, is slowly – but surely – gaining more traction these days. SOC 1 SSAE 16 may very well always be the front-runner, but SOC 2 and SOC 3 are definitely viable reporting options for today’s Atlanta, Georgia (GA) Software as a Service (SaaS) entities. Look to NDB as your Atlanta, Georgia (GA) Software as a Service (SaaS) certification and compliance auditors for SOC 3 certification against the SysTrust & Webtrust Trust Services Principles (TSP).
Call Christopher G. Nickell, CPA, at 404-483-8485 to learn more, or email him at